
1. III
1) employ smb. employ workers (seven clerks, many servants, thousands of men, etc.) нанимать рабочих и т.д.; employ doctors держать на службе врачей; the factory employs 600 hands на фабрике работает шестьсот рабочих
2) employ smth. book employ one's knowledge (one's genius, one's mind, other means, machinery, etc.) использовать /применять/ свои знания и т.д.; every linguist employs the concept of meaning каждый лингвист пользуется понятием значения; employ one's abilities приложить свои способности
2. IV
employ smth. in some manner book. employ one's time usefully (one's leisure pleasantly, one's day profitably, etc.) проводить время с пользой и т.д.; how do you employ your spare time? что вы делаете в свободное время?
3. VII
employ smth. to do smth. book. employ force to open the door (persuasion to make her come, arguments to convince him, everything in one's power to finish the work in time, a knife to cut the bread, etc.) применить силу, чтобы открыть дверь и т.д.; employ smb. to do with. employ a lawyer to draw up a will (a landscape artist to remodel the park, some men to dig up the place, etc.) приглашать /нанимать/ юриста, чтобы составить завещание и т.д.
4. XI
1) be employed at /in/ some place be employed at /in/ an office (at a factory, in a bank, in a publishing house, etc.) работать в конторе и т.д., he is employed on a railway он служит на железной дороге; he is employed on the New York Times он работает в редакции /он штатный сотрудник/ газеты "Нью-Йорк Таймс"; be employed as smb. be employed as a doctor (as a lawyer, as a nurse, as a clerk, as a supervisor, etc.) работать врачом и т.д.; be employed in some manner be employed continually (regularly, from time to time, etc.) иметь постоянную и т.д. работу; be employed manually быть занятым на физической работе; my boss keeps me fully employed мой начальник следит, чтобы я не оставался без дела; be employed somewhere be employed about the house работать по дому
2) be employed in some sphere be employed in industry (in agriculture, in trade, etc.) использоваться в промышленности и т.д., today more and more machinery is employed in construction сегодня в строительстве применяется все больше техники; be employed in some manner book, be employed reasonably (profitably, in a clever way, etc.) использоваться /применяться/ разумно и т.д.; your time might be better employed learning smth. useful вы могли бы лучше /более разумно, более продуктивно/ распорядиться своим временем, обучаясь чему-л. полезному; the money was usefully employed деньги были потрачены с пользой
5. XXI1
employ smb. at some sum employ smb. at a salary of t 50 (at three dollars an hour. at a high rate of pay, etc.) нанимать кого-л. с зарплатой в пятьдесят фунтов и т.д.
employ one's time in doing smth. book. employ one's time in reading (in writing letters, in shooting, etc.) использовать /проводить/ свое время в чтении и т.д.
7. XXIV1
employ smth., smb. as smth., smb. employ English as an official language (the crate as a table, him as an interpreter, etc.) использовать английский в качестве официального языка и т.д.; employ alcohol as a solvent употреблять спирт в качестве растворителя; the firm employs her as an adviser фирма пригласила ее на должность консультанта

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "employ" в других словарях:

  • employ — Employ. s. m. v. L usage qu on fait de quelque chose. Faire un bon employ, un mauvais employ de son argent, de son temps. il n a pû faire voir l employ de l argent qu il a touché. il faut faire apparoistre de l employ des deniers. quittance d… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • employ — em‧ploy [ɪmˈplɔɪ] verb [transitive] HUMAN RESOURCES to pay someone to work for you: • The company employs 2000 people worldwide. employ somebody as something • He is employed as a baggage handler at the airport. employ somebody to do something …   Financial and business terms

  • Employ — Em*ploy , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Employed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Employing}.] [F. employer, fr. L. implicare to fold into, infold, involve, implicate, engage; in + plicare to fold. See {Ply}, and cf. {Imply}, {Implicate}.] 1. To inclose; to infold.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Employ — Em*ploy , n. [Cf. F. emploi.] That which engages or occupies a person; fixed or regular service or business; employment. [1913 Webster] The whole employ of body and of mind. Pope. [1913 Webster] {In one s employ}, in one s service. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • employ — I (engage services) verb add to the payroll, appoint, assign, authorize, commission, contract, delegate, detineri, empower, engage, enlist, enroll, entrust with a task, entrust with management, fill a position, fill a vacancy, fill an opening,… …   Law dictionary

  • employ — ► VERB 1) give work to (someone) and pay them for it. 2) make use of. 3) keep occupied. ● in the employ of Cf. ↑in the employ of DERIVATIVES employability noun …   English terms dictionary

  • employ — [v1] make use of apply, bestow, bring to bear*, engage, exercise, exert, exploit, fill, handle, keep busy*, manipulate, occupy, operate, put to use*, spend, take up*, use, use up*, utilize; concept 225 Ant. ignore, misuse, shun, unemploy employ… …   New thesaurus

  • employ — [em ploi′, imploi′] vt. [ME emploien < OFr emploier < L implicare, to enfold, engage: see IMPLY] 1. to make use of; use 2. to keep busy or occupied; take up the attention, time, etc. of; devote [to employ oneself in study] 3. to provide… …   English World dictionary

  • Employ'e — Em ploy [ e] , n. [F., p. p. of employer.] One employed by another; a clerk or workman in the service of an employer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • employ — (v.) early 15c., from M.Fr. employer, from O.Fr. emploiier (12c.) make use of, apply; increase; entangle; devote, from L. implicare enfold, involve, be connected with, from in (see IN (Cf. in ) (2)) + plicare to fold (see PLY (Cf. ply) (v.)).… …   Etymology dictionary

  • employ — vb *use, utilize, apply, avail Analogous words: *practice, exercise, drill: engross, absorb, *monopolize: *choose, select, pick …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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